In 最新資訊

Removal Notice


為配合業務發展, 本公司將於 2021年4月1日遷往以下地址:


* 由於搬遷事宜, 3月31日4月1 日, 本公司服務將暫停, 而之前數天,
服務或會受影響, 不便之處, 敬請原諒.

欲了解服務詳情, 歡迎致電 (852) 2411 6631, 或電郵致

電話與傳真號碼維持不變, 謝謝!

Dear Valued Partners and Clients,

We are pleased to inform that our Hong Kong office of Kwai Ching will be moved to the following new address in effect from 1st April 2021.

Flat 1519, 15/F., International Trade Centre, 11 Sha Tsui Road,
Wan, N.T. Hong Kong

* Due to the removal, service will not be available on 31st March & 1st April,
and service may be affected in the previous few days,
we apologize for any inconvenienced caused.

Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact us at
(852) 2411 6631, or email
All telephone and facsimile numbers remain unchanged.

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